For some, a college degree is the pivotal mark of accomplishment. For others, it’s obtained out of necessity to enter the job market. Regardless of the reason students have for earning their associate, bachelor, or master’s degree, one thing remains true: it’s never too late to get a college degree. Florida National University (FNU) offers six reasons why:

1. Humans Learn Through Their Entire Lifetime
It’s no secret that the human brain evolves throughout a person’s lifetime. Accordingly, people are constantly learning new things. As they age, people learn from two specific factors: the experiences of life which bring on deeper knowledge and understanding, and the changing landscape of humanity and technology.
2. An Education Inspires You to Do Bigger and Better Things
“Education is the most powerful weapon with which you can use to change the world.” –Nelson Mandela
Many students find that education is the motivating factor that drives them to make a big leap toward their goals. Where would the heroes of today be without education? Some of the most significant heroes of our time were able to make a difference because of their education and understanding. For example, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Albert Einstein were both widely educated in two very different fields. They had different goals in mind – but they both made their mark on humanity thanks to the knowledge and understanding they achieved.
3. Learning is Enriching
“The illiterate of the future will not be the person who does not read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.” – Alvin Toffler
Adults who have the ability and resources to return to school should make that commitment. Education is always a positive element in one’s life, and it’s never the wrong time to learn.
4. An Education Opens Your Eyes to the World Around You
Those who have not learned have nothing upon which to build an understanding outside of themselves. Those who obtain a degree have an even greater understanding of the world.
That is not to say that others are less open-minded, but it is proven that those who are educated have open points of view. It is simply to say that education opens one’s eyes.
5. It’s a Confidence Booster
“The beautiful thing about learning is no one can take it away from you.” –B.B. King
Studies show that college graduates have higher self-esteem than those who could not do so. Those who choose to take this step and follow through with it can hold onto their education as a personal accomplishment for the rest of their lives. Confidence breeds success.
6. It Is a Good Investment for Your Future
Gaining an education is a worthy investment toward your future career and personal goals. Many students choose to enroll in an educational program out of a desire to promote a more positive future. Often, this even trumps their desire to learn. Whatever the motivation behind the action, earning a degree is an excellent choice at all stages of life. Education is a great investment for the future. It enables an individual to be successful and opens doors that they might not be able to open on their own.
Going Back to School with FNU
If you aren’t ready to get an associate, bachelor, or master’s degree, Florida National University also offers certificate and diploma programs. Contact FNU at 305-821-3333 to learn more about our programs offered on-campus and online.