Increase Your Academic Choices
Before online degrees became an option, many college choices were limited. Traditional students would attend classes on campus and even move on or near campus for an easy commute. Those days have evolved. With online college degree courses, people who wouldn’t necessarily have the opportunity to go to college can now earn a degree without ever having to step inside a classroom. This is all thanks to how the educational institution has adopted the concept of online learning.
With online degrees, aspiring college students now have the option to broaden their options. Today, they have the ability to apply to any college or university in the United States without worrying about the cost of relocation or commuting, the cost of parking, or tolls. The choices are literally at your fingertips!
Earn a College Degree from Home
People who are working full or part-time jobs, raising a family, or juggling other obligations and responsibilities can now incorporate classroom time around their own schedule. Do away with the time it takes to commute back and forth to class. With an online master’s degree, the time spent on commutes can be put toward studying for an exam or checking off a task on a To-Do List. There is no need to relocate with an online degree. Students will have the flexibility to complete coursework in the comfort of their living room or during a lunch break while at work, or maybe even squeeze in some time during the weekend. Online students who live in warmer climates can take advantage of the great weather and have their class session outside on the patio or on their balcony!
Create Your Own Academic Schedule
When earning a master’s degree online, class time is on your time, whenever you need it to be. If you have a doctor’s appointment, arrange your class time before or after it all without having to check in or clearing it with a supervisor. Students who are parents can schedule their class time after they drop their children off at school or daycare, or after their bedtime—anytime where there’s an opportunity to wedge in 30 minutes to an hour of course work is your college classroom! As long as you have a laptop and a Wi-Fi connection, you’ll be connected to your instructor and fellow classmates.
Work While You Learn!
There are many professionals who have already earned their bachelor’s degree and have aspirations of getting a masters, but still need to work. The online MBA program at Florida National University is specifically designed with busy professionals in mind. Our 36-credit degree program can take approximately a year to complete if you approach the courses as a full-time student, but if you are unable to, the flexibility that this course offers allows you to earn your degree while you’re working. This is a major benefit for professionals who are looking to improve their skillset and brush up their resume. With FNU’s online MBA program, you have control over your academic schedule. You have the power to make it work around your time rather than the other way around!
Participate in More Class Discussions
Many traditional college classroom courses are fully populated. When you choose to get your master’s degree online, you’re able to participate in online classroom discussions without needing to present your question in front of an audience. This benefit is perfect for introverts! The type of convenience this allows for will get you more involved in class assignments possibly increasing your chance for a higher test score, higher grade and higher GPA.
Develop Interpersonal Relationships
Another benefit to getting your master’s degree online is that you’re able to communicate and develop working relationships with classmates from all over the country. The roster of an online MBA course can consist of students living all over the United States. Developing professional relationships with a fellow classmate from different areas of the county is a great way to network in case you’re ever thinking about relocating for a job.
Keep Track of All of Your Academic Work
An online MBA program offers good academic structure to assist helping students stay organized! Earn a MBA in a paperless classroom! Everything is conducted online. The syllabus, the assignments, tests, and oftentimes the reference material are all accessible online. When turning in an assignment, it must be uploaded on the university’s software management system, so the chances of ever losing an assignment are minimal. Even sharing lecture notes with classmates are uploaded and stored ready to be downloaded at a moment’s notice. Save money on folders, notebooks, and printing paper.
Earn a Master’s Degree from a Valid University

An important concern that we’d like to address is the validity of FNU’s MBA program. We are regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. This gives us the authority to award quality associate, bachelor, and master’s degrees based on courses that have been approved and vetted by academic scholars and colleagues from surrounding regionally accredited higher learning institutions.
FNU: Offering Online Educational Benefits!
FNU’s online MBA program offers accessibility, affordability, acceleration, applicability, and accreditation. Our financial aid department has the tools to help you discover what type of federal loans, scholarships and pell grants you might qualify for. You can start taking classes right away once you’ve enrolled.
Get the professional knowledge and experience you need to take your career to the next level. Contact an FNU advisor to get the enrollment process started today!