• 8 Social Media Secrets for Finding Criminal Justice Jobs

    Social media is by and large an important factor for today’s adults. Browsing social media websites is increasingly becoming a daily activity, especially among the millennial generation who are entering the workforce in various entry-level positions across the board, daily. Do social media sites offer more than an avenue to connect, socialize, and stay up…

  • Top 6 Accounting Blogs for Students

    Believe it or not, there are several reasons why blogs can help accounting students throughout their studies. The truth is blogs can offer students inside knowledge of what to expect when studying for a certain degree, as told from the professional’s perspective. An informative blog can reveal what it is like to work in a…

  • South Florida Universities with Flexible Class Schedules

    Today’s students want flexibility, and this is the result of several factors. Whether it is due to busy schedules, ample responsibilities, or simply due to the nature of college-aged Millennials’ values (studies show they desire workplace flexibility), colleges and universities are facing a growing number of students in need of a less traditional school schedule.…

  • 5 Ways Healthcare Professionals Change Our World

    A healthcare professional is an important component in our world today. These individuals work continuously to make the lives of patients better and easier, therefore, changing the world as we know it. Students who are considering a career in the healthcare sector are likely already well aware that there is an array of specific healthcare…

  • Audits: Tips for Future Accountants

    Once a fresh, budding accounting student gains certification, this status serves as a sign that he/she has gained the skills, education, and verification needed in order to practice his/her trade. That means that he/she can go out into the job field in search of open positions related to bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing. One might wonder,…

  • Looking for a Career? Get Started with a Certificate!

    Not all students have the ability or desire to pursue a full-time education with the intention of attaining an associate’s, bachelors, or master’s degree. What options do these students have? For individuals who already have a career path in mind, a certificate can offer a fast track for pursuing a career. There are many reasons…

  • Top 3 Jobs for Health Services Administration Degree

    When choosing a degree, it is important to consider one’s career path and to understand the industry—this is a good way for prospective students to gauge their interest in a program and the possibility of a career in the future. Students who are considering entering the Health Services Administration field should inquire about the field…

  • Meet Ms. Luz Essraowi Recent MBA Graduate from Florida National University

    Where were you born? I was born in Puerto Rico, but I grew in Newark, New Jersey. Did you go to high school in Miami? If yes, which high school did you graduate from? Unfortunately, I was not able to go to High School due to family circumstances; however, I completed my GED in Olympic…

  • How to Ensure You Are an Asset and Not a Liability in the Workplace

    Being an asset in the workplace is vital to ensure job security and overall success in one’s career, but how does one manage such a task? Students and future employees need an arsenal of tactics to ensure that one is helpful and efficient at work, perpetually promoting growth and success. Florida National University (FNU) is…

  • Tax Code Changes: What Students Need to Know

    Along with a new year come taxes. In January, all students, employees, and philanthropists receive tax information in order to complete their taxes by April. One may notice that, from year to year, taxes are not the same. Without a change in pay, workers often expect that they will receive the same refund from the…

  • A Closer Look at FNU’s Dental Programs

    Florida National University (FNU) offers five respective dental programs from which students can choose. Individuals who are considering a career in the dental field might want to explore the opportunities made available through FNU. Let’s take a closer look at what FNU’s dental programs have to offer, and the benefits of each: Why Study in…

  • What Do Accountants Do? A Look at the Life of a CPA

    Have you ever wondered what accountants really do? Accountants have various job opportunities available to them outside of the general pencil-pusher cliché — especially when they opt to become a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). To become a CPA there are strict educational requirements that must be met. A prospective CPA must hold a bachelor’s degree…

  • FNU Holds Respiratory Therapy Pinning Ceremony

    Florida National University (FNU) held a pinning ceremony to honor the Respiratory Therapy Graduating Class of 2014 in FNU’s Hialeah Campus on Wednesday, December 17th, 2014. Respiratory Therapy Program Director Professor Jose Antonia Lammoglia was the Master of Ceremony.       The Keynote speaker was Mr. Alfredo Castillo, a pioneer in the field of…

  • Studying Criminal Justice: Not What You See on T.V.

    Although many students enter their criminal justice program with the CSI theme playing in their heads, they soon find that the field does not match up to the way television shows depict it. Even in shows that are scripted to be realistic, or shows during which real individuals bring in community cases (i.e. Judge Judy,…

  • Best Jobs in Criminal Justice

    The criminal justice field holds many possible job opportunities. While there are endless interesting careers in the field, there are a few that stand out. The following are a few of the most rewarding careers in criminal justice: Criminal Lawyer A criminal lawyer represents a defendant in the criminal court system at the federal, state,…