• FNU Student Perseveres Despite Adversities

    While working for a University, one gets to hear a lot of stories of the obstacles students have to go through to be accepted by a regionally-accredited University in order to reach their educational dreams. Some of these stories are funny, and some of them are sad; however, most of them are typical. Every now…

  • The Unexpected Ways Exercise Helps You in School

    There are two types of students in this world: those who exercise and those who do not. Although many students find themselves with too little time to participate in sports or to go to the gym after class, there are surprising benefits to exercise that might just make you want to get moving! Prioritizing What…

  • Florida National University Student Expresses Gratitude

    Ms. Ivette Scull recently completed her Dental Laboratory Technician program at Florida National University (FNU). She was so appreciative of the professional manner and the tireless dedication her professors displayed that she wrote a heartfelt letter of appreciation. This her letter written in Spanish … “A quien pueda interesar: A través de esta carta quiero…

  • Ways to Stay Sane During Your First Semester

    It’s safe to say that the fall semester is in full swing across the country. The onslaught of a new college career can be mentally overwhelming and exhausting for many individuals. For those students who are officially in the midst of your very first semester, follow these tips to keep your head above water: Organize…

  • 8 Myths About Online Learning, Debunked

    When distance learning was first introduced, it was met with a lot of negative feedback. Many did not understand the value of education taught so differently from traditional learning within confines of a classroom. However, that did not stop distance learning from successfully becoming a large part of today’s educational sector. Today’s online learning is…

  • FNU’s Course Selection Strategies for Undeclared Students

    It returns: another semester and you have not yet determined your major. Don’t be embarrassed or frustrated—deciding what to study can determine your life’s path; that mean’s that it is a big decision! Still, entering college or even another semester as an undeclared student can prove to be far from reassuring for many students in…

  • The 9 Most Unexpected Scholarships Available

    The 9 Most Unexpected Scholarships Available One thing all students need to realize is that there are scholarships out there—and there are a lot of them! In a less-than-thriving economy, many students cannot afford to forgo applying to scholarship opportunities. Whether discovered through Florida National University or through an unaffiliated organization, each scholarship makes a…

  • College Sports Offseason: Tips for Staying Fit

    College athletes tend to spend several hours in the gym, on the field, and in gear throughout the season. With so many practices, games (and maybe even championships) to participate in, athletes can easily feel drained and exhausted by the end of the semester. This feeling, however, introduces a problem: after exercising and playing a…

  • The Best Textbook Rental & Purchasing Apps

    It’s safe to say that today’s students can vouch for the fact that technology is transforming the educational system. That is true in many avenues of education—from the way students learn, to the materials professors use. As it turns out, even the simple, everyday textbook is no stranger to this shift in technology. Today’s students…

  • 10 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Starting College

    Beginning the journey toward new, great adventures never seems to come without fear. The risk of trying to be successful at something new mingles with the pressure to do well, fit in, and feel comfortable—it’s no wonder that many college freshman feel nervous about starting their first year! Here is a collection of the fears…

  • Meet Beth Sullivan U.S. Service Member and FNU Online Learning Student

    When working for a University as an administrator, it is sometimes difficult to get to know every student on a one-to-one basis. Especially if that student is an online (or distance learning) student and he or she is in the military. Well, we are able to catch up with one such student who earned her…

  • Tips for Coping with Job Interview Rejection

    Are you afraid of job interview rejection? Although it hurts to hear that you weren’t accepted for a position, you will inevitably face this reality throughout your career. Seasoned professionals tend to fare better when it comes to job interview rejection because they are able to comprehend it from an objective perspective. Nonetheless, job hunting…

  • Florida National University Holds Pinning Ceremony for Its Respiratory Therapy Graduating Class

    On Wednesday, August 20th, 2014, Florida National University’s Respiratory Therapy Department hosted the pinning ceremony for graduating class number 8. The ceremony took place in the Hialeah Campus of Florida National University (FNU). Three members of the graduating class were also inducted into The Lambda Beta Society: The National Honor Society for the Profession…

  • College Prep for High School Athletes

    It is an exhilarating feeling: the excitement and humidity of a high school gym, filled with screaming fans. School spirit runs high as the scoreboard clock races through the last four seconds of the game. The senior team captain shoots the ball from the three-point line, boosting your team’s score over the rival’s by a…

  • Volunteering: The Best Alternative to Summer Internships

    While students, professionals and universities understand the value of an educational internship, it is not always a feasible option for students. Often, time constraints and the competitive nature of summer internships can make attaining one a difficult feat. The best alternative to a summer internship is to become a volunteer. Why Volunteer? Although volunteering does…