• Florida National University Sponsors a Day at the Beach

    On Saturday, April 12th, Florida National University proudly sponsored “A Day at the Beach” presented by the Community Arts and Culture organization featuring the emerging Cuban singer / songwriter Danay Suárez. With heavy philosophical connotations and provocative beats, the music of Danay Suárez filled the streets of Miami Beach where the crowd gathered to witness…

  • Blood Moon – Total Lunar Eclipse – Over Miami

    Last night if you were out and about, you would have been treated to a total lunar eclipse or “blood moon”. However in case you missed it, I went outside at 3 a.m. and I was able to capture this extraterrestrial marvel. If you want to see a “blood moon” for yourself, you will…

  • Florida National University Participated in the Cystic Fibrosis Walk

    On Sunday, April 6, 2014, students from the Respiratory Therapy program participated in the Annual Cystic Fibrosis Walk on Virginia Beach. Florida National University (FNU) paired with the Pediatric Respiratory Care of South Florida which employs many of the graduates from FNU’s Respiratory Therapy program. Cystic Fibrosis is a hereditary disease that affects children at…

  • Guest Lecture Series Featuring: Ms. Toya Robinson, Pulmonary Care Specialist from Discovery Labs

    On February 10, 2014, the RET program at Florida National University (FNU) hosted a lecture by Ms. Toya Robinson, Pulmonary Care Specialist from Discovery Labs. Ms. Robinson presented information on a new type of surfactant in the market. Surfactant is a substance produced by the lungs that facilitates normal breathing. This substance is at times…

  • Should Florida Pass the DREAM Act?

    Immigration reform has in recent years become a hot-button topic, especially in states such as Florida, where high immigration rates have considerably changed the demographic picture. One piece of federal legislation that was introduced to address the legal uncertainty and the injustices involved in cases of undocumented immigrants and their children is the Development, Relief…

  • How FNU’s Student Services Can Help You Get Ahead

    Since its inception, Florida National University (FNU) has striven to provide a positive learning environment in which students can take advantage of every opportunity available to them on the way to reaching their educational, personal, and professional goals. To that end, FNU has made a commitment not just in the classroom, but also outside of…

  • Using Social Media to Build Your Online Reputation

    Whether we like it or not, social media has become one of the world’s most powerful tools in business and career settings. Because we all have a profile, we have all become brands – and this means that what we say and do on social media gives the world a strong impression of who we…

  • Financial Aid Tips and Grant Guidance That Other Schools Won’t Tell You About

    College students applying for financial aid are often overwhelmed at the financial aid process – finding it, applying for it, receiving it, and ultimately paying it back. If there were only one type of financial aid, applying might be easy. Yet each student’s reality is as different as his or her personal situation. There are…

  • Barbados Native Completes FNU’s Respiratory Therapy Review Program

    Ms. Kimberley Cumberbatch, a native from Barbados, recently completed a Respiratory Therapy review program at Florida National University (FNU). In this article, she shares her experiences as an international student and attending Florida National University. I am an international student from Barbados in the Caribbean enrolled at Florida National University in a first time ever…

  • Make Higher Education an Essential Goal Rather than a Desired New Year’s Resolution

    Each year, we make promises to ourselves that we can’t always keep. We make them in the first place because we recognize their value or have been advised by the people we trust to reach certain goals. Although it’s ultimately our decision to follow through with the promises we make to ourselves and to others, attaining higher education is not something that should fall to the wayside.

  • Florida National University Students Attend Holocaust Memorial

    On February 18th, 2014, Professor Daylen Elosegui took her “Introduction to Ethics” class on a field trip to the Holocaust Memorial at Miami Beach. There the students met Mr. Henry Flescher, a Holocaust survivor. During the activity, students heard Henry’s narrative about his days at Auschwitz and Buchenwald. They were able to ask him questions…

  • The Definition of an FNU Mother

    Although Florida National University’s premier athletic team, the Conquistadors, is relatively new within college sports, the dedication of the players and their family has been unbelievable. To demonstrate the gratitude each player and their respective families have for one another, we caught up with Heather Beard, mother of Bruce Evan Moorman, who is the Conquistador’s…

  • Careers for a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice

    The criminal justice system in the United States holds many esteemed occupations as the main objective behind these jobs are to keep society safe. Specific characteristics come into play for pursuing and maintaining an occupation within the criminal justice system, such as confidence, assertiveness, critical thinking skills, and respect for the law. If this sounds…

  • Physical Therapy Exercises for Fibromyalgia

    What is Fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is a chronic musculoskeletal condition that affects one’s joints and soft tissues. Although symptoms vary from one patient to the next, the most common symptoms associated with fibromyalgia are widespread pain, often known as “tender points,” and fatigue. Other symptoms include depression, anxiety, abdominal pain, chronic headaches and an inability to…

  • Tips for Making a Web Design Portfolio

    The best way for creative professionals to demonstrate their expertise is to share what they’ve done. Rather than sending a prospective employer or client your work by attaching files to an email, enhance your résumé by developing an online portfolio.