• The Unexpected Ways Exercise Helps You in School

    There are two types of students in this world: those who exercise and those who do not. Although many students find themselves with too little time to participate in sports or to go to the gym after class, there are surprising benefits to exercise that might just make you want to get moving! Prioritizing What…

  • Ways to Stay Sane During Your First Semester

    It’s safe to say that the fall semester is in full swing across the country. The onslaught of a new college career can be mentally overwhelming and exhausting for many individuals. For those students who are officially in the midst of your very first semester, follow these tips to keep your head above water: Organize…

  • What to Do When You Don’t Get Accepted to the Program of Your Choice

    Thank goodness, high school is finally behind you. Now, on to bigger and better things! Whether you are entering university for the first time, or you are a returning student, college can be a very exciting time in a young person’s life. First, the glorious acceptance letter comes in. Next, the mailman delivers the letter…

  • 9/11 GI Bill Tuition and Fee Benefit Increases

    In July of 2008 the Post-9/11 GI Bill was signed into law, creating a new robust education benefits program rivaling the WWII Era GI Bill of Rights. The new Post 9/11 GI Bill provides education benefits for servicemembers who have served on active duty for 90 or more days since Sept. 10, 2001. These benefits…

  • How to Be a Better Person

    Life can be difficult. People are always looking for an influence, someone to look up to, someone to emulate. You can set the example, be the motivation that can really impact another human being. You can help change the world by changing yourself. Change must come from within, so become an example. Decide what it…

  • Work In Progress

    by shivanie16 What does the word Perfect mean in your world? It means something different to everyone, perfect body, perfect family, perfect relationship, perfect blah blah and the list goes on…Wake up!! Honestly NOTHING is ever going to be perfect no matter how much we want it to be. Why do we come down on…

  • Social Media Primer for the Chronically Unhip

    Let’s face it; there are two types of people in this world. Those who get social media, and those who don’t. There are many who will argue that this division is generational. I disagree. I turned 40 this year, and by traditional standards I fall outside the “digital millennial” generation. According to conventional wisdom (as…

  • Thanksgiving FNU Style

    When I first arrived at FNU, one of the things that amazed me was the habit of feeding everyone. I mean everyone! Ok, I am sure this was cute and cozy when FNU was a little institution located on the top floor of a strip mall, but now we have over 3,000 students enrolled in…

  • Community Alert: Don’t Be Caught of Gaurd!

    On Wednesday, November 9, 2011, at 2:00pm (Eastern), we will experience the first test of the Nationwide Emergency Alert System (EAS) test. This test will be very similar to the monthly Emergency Alert System tests that we are already familiar with. This test will occur simultaneously across the nation.   What will I experience? The…

  • Can I Really Control the Way I Feel?

    If you are like me, and I know many of you are, you have been told that nobody can “make” you feel anything. You have been told we are responsible for our own feelings. But what does that really mean? Perhaps, if I just concentrate hard enough I can get this self-control thing right. Perhaps,…