• Job Fair

  • Free Seminar Thursdays

    If you’ve taken a moment to peruse the activities calendar, you may have noticed a number of seminars scheduled throughout the fall semester. These seminars were created to contribute to the cultural, social, professional and intellectual development of our students here at FNU. There is no charge for attending these seminars, simply register in advance…

  • Welcome Back Students!

    The Office of Student Services is thrilled that you’ve taken the time to check out the FNU Blog . Blogging is the fastest and easiest way for Student Services to keep you abreast of current events and information. Let me show you around. You will notice a number of tabs at the top of the…

  • Congratulations Jose Regueiro Scholarship Winner!

    The Office of Student Services would like to congratulate Patricio J. Estupinan from South Miami Senior High School, recipient of the Jose Regueiro Scholarship. The scholarship will cover the complete tuition cost of any A.A. or A.S. program here at FNU. Estupinan graduated from his class with a 3.5 GPA and participated in a number…

  • Community in Crisis?

    According to a recent Associated Press article, Miami ranked last in a 50 city survey on volunteering. For an idealist like me, the news was depressing to say the least. I firmly believe in the concept of unlimited human potential and the strength of community, but ultimately, it is not my belief that is important.…

  • ¿Comunidad en Crisis?

    De acuerdo con un reciente articulo de la Associated Press, Miami esta posicionada en último lugar en una encuesta que evalúa el voluntariado en 50 ciudades. Como mínimo comentario, para una idealista como yo, esta noticia es deprimente. Yo creo firmemente en el concepto del ilimitado potencial humano y la fortaleza de la comunidad, pero…

  • $5 Tickets! Now That’s Culture Shock!

    For about the same price as a blockbuster video you can enjoy a life changing experience in theater, dance, music, or art. The Miami cultural scene offers dozens of events every week. These inspiring cultural activities will enrich your personal life while enhancing critical thinking skills, language skills, and cooperative learning skills. Students between the…

  • Tickets de entrada por $5! Eso si que es un Choque Cultural!

    Por casi el mismo precio que un video de blockbuster usted puede disfrutar de una experiencia de teatro, danza, música o arte que puede cambiar su vida. La vida cultural del escenario Miamense ofrece docenas de eventos todos los días. Estas inspiradoras actividades culturales enriquecerán su vida personal a la vez que mejorarán sus habilidades…

  • Student ID Number vs. Social Security Number

    In a modern world full of digital passwords, our brains are crammed full of usernames and identification codes. After finally learning your nine digit social security number, why should you have to learn a new number after entering college? The answer is simple—it’s the best way to protect your identity. According to the AARP, 10…

  • Número de Identidad Estudiantil vs. Número de Seguridad Social

    En este mundo moderno lleno de contraseñas digitales, nuestros cerebros están congestionados con los diversos nombres de usuarios y códigos de identificación. Cuando finalmente aprendemos nuestros nueve dígitos del número de seguridad social, por qué tenemos que aprender un nuevo número al entrar al College? La respuesta es simple – es la mejor forma de…