• The Secret to Success

    Do you have what it takes to be successful? Find out with this easy online assessment. The self-assessment questionnaire from Skip Downing’s On Course is available at the Houghton Mifflin website. The assessment will help you identify your strengths and opportunities for growth. After rating yourself on 64 statements, the assessment will analyze each choice…

  • Film Crew at FNU

    If you notice a lot of unusual activity on the third floor of the Hialeah Campus today, you may have witnessed film making in action. The visiting film crew is working in conjunction with Hialeah Hospital to promote mental health awareness in teens. Now, I know cameras tend to bring out the ‘ham’ in most…

  • Equipo de Filmación en FNU.

    Si usted nota el día de hoy gran cantidad de actividad inusual en el tercer piso del Campus de Hialeah, puede que esté siendo testigo de la producción de una película en pleno desarrollo. El equipo que nos visita esta trabajando en conjunto con el Hospital de Hialeah para promover problemas de depresion en adolescentes.…

  • Support through Student Organizations

    Although Florida National University has traditionally served as an urban commuter college since its inception, we recognize the importance of providing our students with more than just a bare bones academic experience. According to our mission statement, FNU “strives to prepare the students for employment in their chosen career or advanced studies through the acquisition…

  • Apoyo a través de Organizaciones Estudiantiles

    Aunque Florida National University ha servido tradicionalmente y desde sus comienzos como una escuela urbana de Pre-Grado, nosotros reconocemos la importancia de proporcionar a nuestros estudiantes con algo más que la simple experiencia académica. Según nuestra declaración de objetivos, FNU “se esfuerza por preparar a los estudiantes, a través de la adquisición de las habilidades…

  • Introducing the Student Applause Award

    Thank-you. It’s a very simple phrase, yet it has enormous potential. The words thank-you are an expression of gratitude and has the power to transform individuals as well as communities. Living in a state of gratitude increases our ability to recognize new opportunities as we look beyond ourselves into the world around us. Appreciation flows…

  • Les Presentamos el Premio “Student Applause”

    Gracias. Es una palabra simple, pero que tiene un potencial enorme. La palabra Gracias envuelve una expresión de gratitud que tiene el poder de transformar tanto a individuos como a comunidades. Vivir en un estado de gratitud incrementa nuestra habilidad de reconocer nuevas oportunidades al enfocarnos, mas allá de nuestras propias individualidades, en el mundo…

  • Online Employment Application Support

    The Office of Job Placement proudly presents: Online Employment Application Support Time: Fridays from 9:00a – 12:00 noon Location: FNU South Campus–LAB Room 214 Apply to: American Airlines South Florida Banks Tenet Health System Hospitals Carnival Cruise Lines AT & T Fontainebleau Resort Hyatt Regency Coral Gables Miami-Dade County Departments and many others. * Electronic…

  • Asistencia Para Aplicaciones de Empleo Via Internet

    La Officina de Job Placement presenta: Asistencia para Aplicaciones de Empleo via Internet Hora: Todos los Viernes a las 9:00a-12:OOp Lugar: FNU South Campus–LAB 214 Aplica a: Lineas Aereas American Airlines Fedex Ground Hospitales de Tenet Health Linea de Cruceros Carnival Cadena de Hoteles Hyatt Fontainebleau Resort Departamentos del condado Miami-Dade entre otros. * Version…

  • Contest Update!

    Ten suggestions have already been submitted in the ‘Name our Newspaper’ contest: The FNU Tabloid Pepe’s Herald The FNU Times The FNU Herald The Hialeah Herald Wise Eyes The Shocker Gosipia Readalicious Spintagazine Can you do better? If you can, you could win a $25 gift certificate. Contest open to all active students of FNU.…