Interested in becoming a health services administration major but not sure of the career opportunities?
Health services administration degrees have a variety of applications. Below are just a few career options for majors to choose from.
Job Opportunities for Health Services Administration Majors
Healthcare Marketing Manager
Healthcare marketing shares important health news. Healthcare marketers must research the information they post to make sure the information shared is accurate. They must also be media savvy and know how to make their content social-media friendly.
Nursing Home Administrator
Nursing Home Administrators are licensed professionals who oversee nursing facilities. Their top priority is the health and safety of nursing home residents. Administrators also keep track of finances, state-mandated protocols, facility accreditation, and records. This career path is ideal for master in health services administration majors with strong
leadership skills and an interest in working with the elderly.
Healthcare administrators oversee the daily operations of healthcare facilities. They manage facility staffing, finances, and policy. These professionals have good management skills and an understanding of local and national laws.
HR managers hire employees and manage employee issues. In healthcare, HR management affects both businesses and patients. Healthcare HR managers must hire employees with medical expertise and empathy for their patients.
Medical records managers maintain patient data electronically and on paper. They make sure that patient records are secure and easily accessible. Medical records managers might also work with medical technology companies to make sure their recordkeeping technology is up to date.
Pursue a Health Services Administration Degree
A degree in health services administration opens doors.
Gain hard and soft skills essential for healthcare professionals by enrolling in Florida National University’s health services administration program. Develop expertise in medical accounting, ethics, and healthcare management.
Call (305) 821-3333 for more information on Florida National University’s health services administration major.