Celebrating Media Literacy Week – #MedLitWk

Media Literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, communicate and create using all forms of communication. The mission of Media Literacy Week is to highlight the power of media literacy education and its essential role in education today.


2nd Annual US Media Literacy Week November 6-10, 2017 #MediaLitWk

The official theme of Media Literacy Week 2017 is “Inclusion in a Connected World: A Place and a Voice for Everyone.” The FNU Library Staff always wants to advocate and promote our various formats of Media Resources and the beloved Digital Spaces.

These days, both Information Literacy and Digital Literacy are unseparated. Students have the ability to be connected 24/7 at anytime and at any place to the eResources at Library and Information Resources Network (LIRN), Florida Electronic Library, and World Digital Library.

And if you got lost in the extended digital world of modern education, come and ask for help, the FNU Library staff ready to help you!

Florida Electronic Library provides various digital media such as eBooks, eJournal’s articles, etc. for the Health Care Professionals on numerous educational topics:

Health and Wellness Resource Center and Alternative Health Module includes alternative medicine-focused magazines, journals, newspapers, definitions, directories, videos, & reference information on: medicine, nutrition, diseases, public health, pregnancy, herbal remedies, etc.

Health Reference Center Academic provides access to medical and professional periodicals, health and fitness magazines, and reference books and pamphlets. The database is designed for both nursing and allied health students as well as consumer health.

Nursing and Allied Health Collection database provides access to academic journals and other reference content covering all aspects of the nursing profession, from direct patient care to health care administration.

Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Collection. Both researcher and practitioner alike will find relevant, authorative content in this collection, which includes over 100 titles covering the fields of physical therapy and sports medicine.

The FNU Library is a home to an impressive DVD Educational Collection for students to engage in Visual Literacy. Let me name just few that will complement the reading resources for Healthcare and Medicine:

Clinical Skills DVD Series for Medical Assistants

Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology on DVD

Dental Technology on DVD

Delmar’s Comprehensive Nursing Skills on DVD-ROM

Microbiology DVD Lectures

Body Atlas on DVD

Cardiac Signs and Symptoms

Nurse’s Assessment DVD Series

Principles of Radiographic Images on DVD

Clinical Ultrasound Case Studies in 3-Volumes Set in DVDs

There are DVDs for Mathematics in College Algebra, on Criminal Justice or Forensic Files for Criminology, DVDs on Business and Management, Leadership and Supervision, Microeconomics & Government, Ethics, Brain & Mind, LabSim for A+ Operating Systems Technologies and Core Hardware.

Ida Tomshinsky
Library Director