There’s been some speculation on whether or not pursuing a college degree in the arts is worth it. Florida National University (FNU), a regionally accredited university located in the South Florida area, would like to address the speculation that getting an arts degree has the power to open doors of professional opportunities to your future.
Two Schools of Thought
For college, there are two main schools: the school of science and the school of liberal arts. The school of science concentrates on pure science and any subject that is strongly founded on the theories of science and mathematics such as Accounting, Biology, Natural Sciences, Nursing, Respiratory Therapy, Psychology, Criminal Justice, Dental Laboratory Technician, Radiologic Technology, etc. The school of arts is the concentration of subjects outside of the school of science. However, subjects like Psychology may also fall under the umbrella of social studies as liberal arts.
It’s not uncommon for universities to offer the same subject in different degree programs. For instance, FNU offers an Associate of Science (AS) and Associate of Arts (AA) in Accounting and Business Administration—each program offering a competitive and exemplary curriculum with different cores of concentration.
The Associate of Arts
You don’t necessarily have to choose a specific subject under the school of arts. FNU does offer the Associate of Arts Degree where the core concentrations are not as strict. The structure of this particular arts degree is mainly made up of the 21 credit hours of elective courses that you need to complete. Here, you’ll have a broader variety of choices when it comes to fulfilling your electives. While there are a myriad of science electives, creative students might find the choices in the social sciences and humanities section a bit more attractive. Under the Associate of Arts degree, you will have the liberty to create your own concentration by selecting from over 40 elective courses.
The core requirements will include a strong foundation of communication courses along with basic level college math and computers, along with humanities and behavioral science.
Perfect Degree Program for Undecided Students
In some universities, students are allowed to enroll in college courses without any direction toward a degree. With FNU, our advisors guide all of our students toward enrolling in courses that will interest them and also work toward earning a college degree.
Our goal is to make sure that you get the best quality education available and that as an FNU student, every class you take is one step closer to graduation!
What Kind of Job Can You Get with a Liberal Arts Degree?
Graduating with an arts degree provides you with the opportunity to get just as many jobs as you could with a science degree. You just need to know where to look!
There are many jobs available for liberal arts graduates. While the job market is competitive, there are some jobs that take a certain type of finesse to handle, and the talented left-brainers cannot always achieve the results that the talented right-brainer can. The truth is that many employers are looking for applicants with an art degree. Without the skills and talents of an art major, employers risk having an unbalanced operation that lacks creativity.
Another Important Factor to Keep in Mind
According to Forbes, “Employees hailing from a liberal arts background have honed valuable skills that might be left underdeveloped in other majors. Businesses value these graduates’ critical thinking skills, communication abilities, and creativity.” Having an associate of arts degree is more valuable than most people give it credit for. It wouldn’t be an accredited degree program if it weren’t.
Let’s look at some of the job occupations that an arts graduate can have:
- Artist – While it’s true that you don’t need a college degree to be an artist, you will be able to get more respect and recognition a lot quicker with one! Whether you’re an aspiring sculptor, painter, actor, or designer, earning a college degree in the school of liberal arts will boost your credibility and put you in front of a wider and more diverse audience.
- Teacher – An associate of arts can also prepare you to teach grades K-12. While you will need to be properly certified to teach, the associate of arts degree program can help improve your skillset and launch you toward taking the necessary steps to become a qualified teacher.
- Writer – Yet another profession that is said to be a lost art. However, while approximately 98% of US citizens are constantly checking their mobile device for some kind of content, it becomes evident that someone is needed to write it! As the profession of the writer has shifted over the years from traditional newspaper to casual use on the Internet, businesses and corporations are no longer able to ignore the audience that is readily available to them. Whether you aspire to become a professional technical copywriter, or the next best selling author, an associate of arts degree will sharpen your skillset to help you get there!

- Marketing Coordinator – When it comes to marketing, it takes a creative mindset with talent and a good education. Marketing is all about attracting consumers to buy a service or product—it’s all about landing a sale, and saying the same thing repetitively is not going to cut it. Companies need a person who has the creatively to convey the same message multiple times in a strategic way. A marketing coordinator with an arts degree may very well be the person for the job!
Don’t be afraid to pursue an arts degree! Contact a Florida National University advisor to schedule an appointment to start the application process today!