Living in the South Florida area, the sun is always shining and the weather offers a balmy, tropical breeze of salty ocean air that lulls vacationers into a restful peace of mind. As one of the top states vacationers flock to, it might be a it bit unsettling to understand how one could commit to burying themselves in college textbooks, but that’s exactly what millions of students do!
Did You Know? reports that a total of 72 colleges and universities each have an average of 60,000 undergraduates. That’s a lot of students! However, Florida National University (FNU) realizes that not everyone living in the sunny region of South Florida may have the time to commit to a 2 or 4-year college degree plan. It might be that they cannot afford to invest the time or commitment towards an education, yet they may desire to still have one.
So what can be done to help aspiring individuals who wish to better their careers, but may not have the time it takes to obtain an associate, bachelors, or even a master’s degree?
Consider Enrolling in Continuing Education
Florida National University (FNU) offers a catalog of continuing education programs designed for professionals and nonprofessionals who are looking to enhance their current skillset, those who are undecided about their career path, and those who are looking for basic training in a particular industry.
For Professionals
If you are a professional working in the healthcare industry, education never stops for you! There are a vast amount of medical research facilities working toward improving medicine and healthcare practices. If you aspire to be the top performer in your line of work, then it’s absolutely critical to stay ahead of the industry by continuing your education on an on-going basis. If you are a healthcare administrator, we suggest considering our Medical Coding and Billing Specialist diploma program. With healthcare consistently changing, it is absolutely imperative that you’re aware of any type of new software, upgrades, etc.
FNU provides a full list of continuing healthcare diploma and certificate programs that can be completed within 12 months. 
FNU Graduate Certificates
FNU also offers graduate certificates in Accounting, Finance, Health Services Administration, Marketing, General Management, and Public Management and Leadership. These types of certificates are most beneficial for students who would like to take master classes, but may not have the time or resources to enroll in a full graduate program. These credited degree programs require the completion of a bachelor’s degree. They are each worth 12 credits and are transferrable to the FNU Executive MBA program. Graduates from this degree program have five years from receiving the master’s certificate to apply.
Undecided Students
FNU’s continuing education programs are the perfect way to starting a career as a college student. While these programs are not credited, they are structured to provide you with the knowledge and skills to apply for an entry-level career in your preferred area of interest. Students will have the opportunity earn a college certificate in the field of dentistry, as a Patient Care Technician or Medical Assistant.
Great for International Students
Our continuing education programs are beneficial for international students too. We offer three levels of English as a Second Language courses: Basic, Intermediate, and High Intermediate Level. These programs have proven to help our international students academically and socially. Taking these courses first might help students become a little more comfortable with college life before deciding to enroll into a credited degree program.
Seeking Basic Training?
If you just graduated from high school or just thinking about taking classes, yet not interested in enrolling in an associates or bachelor’s program, the FNU continuing education program is the perfect compromise. You’ll receive a quality education that’s affordable and not as time consuming like degree programs. The commitment level will also offer you the flexibility to pursue other interests.
It is 100% possible that you might be able to land a job after receiving an FNU diploma or certificate. With the Patient Care Technician certificate, you will have increased your chances of landing a job as a Licensed Practical Nurse. With a Medical Assistant diploma, you’ll stand above other jobseekers who are applying for entry-level administrative healthcare positions and even be able to apply to the American Registry for Medical Assistants.
A Little More About FNU
FNU is a regionally accredited university with two main locations in the South Florida area. We also have a training and online center. While our financial aid office provides FNU students with the ability to pay for their education, the continuing education programs are not covered through federal aid. However, should you choose to continue your education with FNU and enroll into a credited degree program, we’ll be more than happy to assist you with financial aid.
Thinking About Continuing Your Continuing Education?
After taking one of our non-credited continuing education courses, you may discover that FNU is just the university for you! We have a full athletic program along with a Student Government Organization that will help you get more involved with our university and sharpen your communication and management skills. Be sure to visit our website to discover what our university can offer you. Why not take small steps with a certificate or degree program? You never know, you might land the job of your dreams, or discover that you want more education!
A college education doesn’t necessarily have to take up all of your time. You can still enjoy all of what South Florida has to offer! Contact an FNU advisor today to learn about all of our certificate, diploma and degree programs that might interest you now.