Florida National University students come from a variety of cultures and ethnic origins and have a diverse interests and goals. Here is the story of one of our students.

Jonathan Fernandez, is a student here at Florida National University pursuing his Associate of Science degree in Networking System Administrator. Ever since he came to Miami from Venezuela, he has also been very involved in bodybuilding competitions. Following is writes some words about himself.
My name is Jonathan Fernandez, and I was born in the city of Caracas, Venezuela in 1980. I was very fortunate since the beginning of my life by having the love of my parents at every moment of my life. I was rise with the strictest and disciplined manners as well with the best values, morals and ethics. The respect to others was something I learned by watching my parents treating other people at the different phases of their lives. I grew up with the desire to be the best at everything I put my mind and soul on. Make my parents proud of me was (is) the number one priority at every moment, because I’m the kind of person that think about give something back to people that took care of him at the good and bad moments of my life. Thanks to this way of thinking, I made everything possible to be the best, by graduating from the University with a Bachelors Degree in Information Technology, completing courses and certifications in the networking and marketing area, by been one of the best in sports winning different bodybuilding events and taking no less than 3rd or 4th place (At National qualifier events). I’m proud student of the Florida National University in Hialeah, FL. With a record of straight A’s to prove that no matter what other goals or obstacles you have in your life, if you want to be number one, you can be number one at everything you focus your mind on.
I started to lift weight in 1998 with the idea to become one of the best at the sport. For that reason I started to read articles about nutrition and training on every magazine I found on my path. Thanks to that goal I setup in my life, it gave me the opportunity to expand my knowledge by getting four certificates in the related areas: two as a sport nutritionist and the other two as a personal trainer. I did it with the sole purpose to focus in create a competitive body, and I started competing in 2009 at the NPC (National Physique Committee) events, and placed no less than 4th in a National Qualifier event.
My father (Former powerlifter and bodybuilder) was the one that introduce me to the sport by letting me know the basics of how to improve my body. My main role model of the sport of bodybuilding was and still is Lou Ferrigno, better known as the actor that played the Incredible Hulk in the TV series.
Thanks to the hard work and discipline I was able to attain several trophies in my competitive bodybuilding career, by obtaining six in 2009 and two in 2010.
My NPC record so far for 2009-2010 is:
– NPC Treasure Coast Classic in Port St. Lucie, FL.
-Place: 3rd (Aug 28, 2010)
– NPC Sunshine Classic 2010 in West Palm Beach, FL.
-Place: 3rd (Mar 20, 2010)
– NPC South Florida Championship in Miami, FL.
-Place: 3rd (Nov 28, 2009)
– NPC Tim Gardner Extravaganza in Tampa, FL.
-Place: 1st (Aug 08, 2009)
– NPC Space Coast Classic in Melbourne, FL.
-Place: 3rd (Jul 25, 2009)
– NPC Southern State 2009 (National Qualifier) in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
-Place: 4th (Jul 11, 2009)
– NPC Gold Coast Classic 09 in Hialeah, FL.
-Place: 1st (May 09, 2009)
– NPC Sunshine Classic (National Qualifier) in West Palm Beach, FL.
-Place: 3rd (Mar 21, 2009)
My role model to emulate is my father, because he not only achieved several titles at different sports, but also was able to attain great amounts of titles at the University (Electric Engineer, Geophysics Engineer, Master in Telecommunications, Professor of post graduate at the telecommunications faculty in the most recognized University in Venezuela, “Universidad Central de Venezuela” to just name a few).
My goal is to be successful at everything I do by putting my attitude, attention and commitment to the things I want to accomplish, since those are the key elements to be a winner.
I want to thank the FNU (Florida National University) for the opportunity to be recognized for my achievement in the sport, and now with this article in the FNU blog they are going to know more about my preparation and discipline. I invite the FNU deans, owners and professors to check my scores at the College, because one of my goals is to be one of the best students in the computer faculty.
I would like to give something back to the FNU when I finished my major in “Networking System Administration”, and my aspiration is to be professor assistance to make the most of the learning process of the new students that are eager for up to date knowledge.
Jonathan Fernandez.
Jonathan Posing in Bodybuilding Competition