• Why Apply to Earn a Healthcare Degree Online?

    Earning a degree is a monumental decision in an individual’s life. Prospective students must discover what interests them, while also considering their future goals and career ideas. After students have considered all of this, it is time to choose a program of study. Students will find that they have the option to apply to a traditional classroom, or they can apply to earn their degree online. Earning a healthcare degree... Read More
  • 4 Reasons Why it’s Great to be in the Accounting Field in Miami

    The field of accounting is growing—and it’s not just due to accountant roles on popular TV series. In fact, the role of accountants is growing in popularity for a number of other reasons. Students, see why studying accounting might be a good move to secure a great future, and find out why Miami is an excellent place to undertake this career choice. What is Accounting? As students are contemplating majors... Read More
  • Dr. Krenkel’s Interview on NBC’s 6 in the Mix

  • A Thank You Letter from an FNU Student

    Mr. Oscar de Cárdenas is a Florida National University (FNU). He started his post-secondary journey with FNU in June of 2013. He is currently working on finishing his Bachelors of Science in Business Administration. Recently, he wrote a letter to FNU President/CEO, Dr. Maria C. Regueiro, praising the institution, its faculty and staff. With his permission, we are publishing his letter. Please take a minute to read it. It is... Read More

        On October 5th, 2014, Florida National University held its Fall 2014 Commencement Ceremony in the James L. Knight Center in downtown Miami, Florida. More than 300 guests (friends and family members of the proud graduates) watched as 150 Florida National University students made the time honored transition from student to alumni. Furthermore, they were also treated to a very special keynote speaker: Ms. Mary Gomez. Ms. Gomez not... Read More
  • FNU Celebrates Respiratory Care Week

      Respiratory Care Week is a week set aside to honor and recognize respiratory therapists. Respiratory Care Week is celebrated internationally but most notably in Canada and the United States. It is usually held during the last week of October. In 1982, United States President Ronald Reagan proclaimed the first week dedicated to honoring respiratory therapist. This year, the Respiratory Therapy Care Week will be celebrated on October 19th –... Read More
  • 8 Ways to Nail the Dreaded Group Project

    There is nothing quite like it—the dreaded group project is the bane of many students’ existence. However, the group project is a period of learning and skill building which prepares students for success at a higher level. Why is the Group Project Important? First of all, it’s crucial to understand the importance of group projects. Professors are not assigning these projects as torture—there is actually a reason behind it! The... Read More
  • Financial Tips for College Students

    In all honesty, almost every student looks forward to the day that his or her degree will finally pay off— literally. Financial stability is at the forefront of a student’s mind for two reasons: Students pursue a degree in order to specialize in a subject; therefore, this student is likely pursuing a related career. Their dedication to education is a proven path to help solidify a greater chance of acquiring... Read More
  • How to Tackle the Admissions Process, Head On

    The admissions process can seem to be a daunting task from the onset; that is why we decided to compile a list of practices to follow when applying to a school or program. The following are our tips for tackling the admissions process: Be Yourself Schools often sift through a lot of applicants touting their best qualities and offering reasons they can improve the university. While it is important for... Read More
  • FNU Student Perseveres Despite Adversities

    While working for a University, one gets to hear a lot of stories of the obstacles students have to go through to be accepted by a regionally-accredited University in order to reach their educational dreams. Some of these stories are funny, and some of them are sad; however, most of them are typical. Every now and then one gets to hear a story that defines what “true grit and determination”... Read More