• Calling All FNU Alumni …

    If you are a Florida National University Alumni we would like you to contact us with your current contact information and any successes that you might have experienced after you graduated and throughout your career. Please email me the following contact information: Name/Address/Phone Number/E-mail /Current Employer/Job Title/ & Description of Success. Email to: jhernandez @fnu.edu Put on the heading of the e-mail: Successful Alumni We will be having a variety... Read More
  • Mu Zeta Volunteers at Becca’s Closet Event

    With many high schools in our community entering “Prom Season,” Florida National University and their Criminal Justice Honor Society, Alpha Phi Sigma – Mu Zeta Chapter, have joined forces with Becca’s Closet in order to make the dreams of thousands of young women a reality…. a chance to attend prom! In the spring of her freshman year at Nova High School in Davie, Florida, Rebecca Kirtman started a dress drive.... Read More
  • Florida National University’s Criminal Justice Honor Society Alpha Phi Sigma Mu Zeta Chapter Attends Conference in Canada

    The Florida National University was well represented at the 48th Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting. During the Opening Ceremony, FNU was introduced as a new chapter to a participating 38 colleges and universities. Students participated in a Cyberbullying workshop and panel, and were also chosen to share the experiences our chapter had with children of inmates in another workshop on Prisoner Re-entry and Rehabilitation. Dr. Shearn, renown expert... Read More
  • The 2010 Florida Legislature Designated West 20th Avenue as “Jose Regueiro Avenue”

    Florida National University President Maria C. Regueiro stands in front of the Jose Regueiro Avenue sign together with Vice President Omar Sanchez and his family. West 20th Avenue was designated by the 2010 Florida Legislature as "Jose Regueiro Avenue." Dr. Regueiro was the co- founder and past president of Florida National University, and a pilar of education in the City of Hialeah. The designation of Jose Regueiro Avenue is well... Read More
  • Forensic Entomology Training

  • FNU Student Bodybuilder Champion

    Florida National University students come from a variety of cultures and ethnic origins and have a diverse interests and goals. Here is the story of one of our students. Jonathan Fernandez, is a student here at Florida National University pursuing his Associate of Science degree in Networking System Administrator. Ever since he came to Miami from Venezuela, he has also been very involved in bodybuilding competitions. Following is writes some... Read More
  • FNU Takes Student Clubs Online

    Would you love to participate in a student organization but can’t seem to fit it into your busy schedule? Why not join us online! Designed to give students an enriching co-curricular activity with enhanced flexibility, the FNU Book Club is conducted entirely online! Utilizing Facebook fan pages, FNU opens up the world of co-curricular activities to students unable to commit to regular meetings on campus. The FNU Book Club is... Read More
  • 2010 Homecoming Theme Announced!

    The results are in! Officers and Representatives of the South Campus SGA counted the remaining ballots during Wednesday’s weekly meeting. Students from both the Hialeah and the South Campuses voted on the theme for the 2010 Homecoming Dance. It was a close race with only 9 votes separating “A Night in Paris” and “Masquerade Ball.” So who won? BOTH! Yes, the voting was so close, and with the support for... Read More
  • Academic Advisors are Making a Difference!

    The Florida National University Main Campus Academic Advisors are always ready to help our students as they prepare and strive to reach their academic and personal goals in life. Even before a student enrolls at FNU the advisor meet with them to explore the different careers available depending on their interests and future goals. Then they provide a roadmap for their college and life success by teaching the College Study... Read More
  • Helping Haiti

    Student services will be gathering donations for those in Haiti. Any type of donation will be accepted. Concerning the foods, here is the list: Beans ( ALL TYPES ) Powdered Milk Water Tuna Vienna Sausages Gatorade (Powder) Any other non-perishable foods. Also, medical supplies are needed as well. Including: Bandages Triple-Antibiotic Bandage Rolls Dressing Sponges Pain Killers : Tylenol and Advil for both babies and adults. Povidine Dimetapp Diapers Wipes... Read More