• Helping for the Holidays

    I call my close friends “my adoptive family.” My blood relatives all live out of state, so the only family I have here in Miami is the family I make for myself. Creating an adoptive family isn’t easy. You have to select just the right individuals. These people both nurture and support you and challenge you to learn and grow. I’m fortunate enough to be a discerning adult when it... Read More
  • Thanksgiving Lessons

    What are you grateful for? “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy “Here,” Nataly handed me a piece of paper shaped like a long feather, “write down something you’re grateful for and we will put it on the turkey.” She was referring to the paper turkey hanging in the reception. My... Read More
  • The Act of Thankful Giving

    “Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action.” ~W.J. Cameron There is an underground movement brewing in Florida National University. It’s very subtle. Students gathering, asking, “What can I do to make a difference?” Community service is not a graduation requirement here. With a student body primarily made up of non-traditional students, it was always assumed that such requirements would create undue hardship on students who are already over-extended. And... Read More
  • Get With the Program

    “In the last analysis, our only freedom is the freedom to discipline ourselves.” ~ Bernard Baruch Discipline: it sounds like such a harsh word, such a restrictive word—at least to a creative individual like me. It sounds like I’m about to be punished. I like words like imagination, transformation and manifestation—words that seem almost mystical. But really, we could use the synonyms vision, process, and outcome to say the same... Read More
  • National Library Week 2009

    Worlds connect @ your library: celebrate National Library Week at Florida National University Library & Resource Room, April 12-18, 2009 It’s National Library Week, a time to celebrate the contributions of libraries, librarians and library workers in schools, campuses and communities nationwide - and the perfect time to discover how worlds connect @ your library. The FNU Library & Resource Room is celebrating National Library Week! Every day, libraries in... Read More
  • Graduation: Time for Celebration

    Soon we will be having our FNU graduation. Its meaning will be different for each graduating student, but all will share in the sense of accomplishment and joy that comes from realizing a goal in ones life. It is also a celebration; of the culmination of the time and effort the graduates have devoted, as part of their busy schedule and other responsibilities, to advance in their careers and to... Read More
  • Advising Center Locations & Advisors

    The Academic Advising Center is located in Room 140 at the Hialeah Campus and in Room 206 at the South Campus. Online students have access through Blackboard. We welcome and encourage you to come visit any of our offices with questions or concerns, or just to talk about your future and how we can help you achieve your goals. Hialeah Campus Advisors & Distance Learning Advisor Room 140 Jelenny Hernandez,... Read More
  • Room to Grow

    I’m a big believer in personal empowerment. I feel we humans have limitless potential, although we don’t always see it in ourselves, or each other. Believing is often the first hurdle. Empowerment usually requires two believers, yourself and someone who believes in you. That is where a good mentor comes in. I’ve had some wonderful mentors. Some probably never suspected they were mentors. Some of their lessons took years to... Read More
  • Building on Passion

    What are you passionate about? Here’s a hint, when you’re engage in something you’re passionate about, you loose track of time. When I write, hours pass like minutes. The intensity of focus is almost a trance like state. I’m equally passionate about art (sketching, painting, pottery, graphic design), but writing has always come easier than the rest—perhaps because I read so much or perhaps because it requires so little. Anyone... Read More
  • Excuses

    Let’s be blunt. Excuses are fears masquerading as responsibilities. I confess, even I use them. Take writing for instance, as a freelance writer, I use a Nome de plume (a pen name). It removes the inhibition of writing. When I write using my real name, I am much more self-conscious, much more careful not to offend. But sometimes, even the most carefully crafted words can be misinterpreted, so I hide... Read More