• URGENT: Emergency Relief Grant

    If you have not responded yet to the Emergency Relief Grant email, please do so as soon as possible because the deadline is June 14th.   URGENT: Emergency Relief Grant If you received the CARES Act Emergency Grant email sent on 5/19/2020, please review it as soon as possible because the deadline to obtain an Emergency Grant is June 14th. Only certain students are eligible for Emergency Grants. If you... Read More
  • WEBINAR: The Effects of COVID-19 on Family Law and the Psychological Aftermath

    Join us this Wednesday, June 17th at 3 PM to discuss some of the family issues due to the coronavirus. We will be discussing topics like child custody, child support, divorce, explaining how people are taking advantage of the coronavirus no to pay child support, or follow the split custody of a child and how all these affect a child psychologically. Our experts are ready to answer all your questions.... Read More
  • Florida Business COVID-19 Task Force

    Please make sure to join FNU's Criminal Justice Department Head, Dr. Osviel Alfonso, as he discusses important issues during Covid-19!  
  • Organizational Tips for the Online Student

    Online classes may seem attractive, but it takes some extra motivation and commitment to be a successful online student. Online classes require just as much time and energy, if not more, as an on-campus class. Staying organized is extremely important for online classes. Florida National University (FNU) offers numerous degree programs online so we’ve compiled a list of organizational tips for the online student.     1. Be Realistic When... Read More
  • What are the Benefits of a Business Administration Degree?

    The world of business is continually changing as a more skilled workforce steps onto the playing field. For today's business leaders to consider you for any top position, you must have the desired education, credentials and skills under your belt. Now more than ever, choosing a degree in a field with career potential and versatility should be at the top of every student's list. Pursuing a degree in Business Administration... Read More
  • Career Paths for Natural Science Majors in South Florida and Beyond

    Have you ever wondered what types of career paths you can pursue with a degree in natural sciences? Maybe this major has always interested you, but you’re not sure where it could take you. Florida National University (FNU) offers an undergraduate degree program that gives students an opportunity to tailor their education to their specific career goals within the field of science. It provides a basic background in biology and... Read More
  • 10 Different Types of Nursing Jobs

    The field of nursing includes many different types of jobs in hospitals, doctors’ offices, healthcare clinics, rehabilitation centers and other healthcare settings. Florida National University (FNU) offers multiple nursing programs at different levels. Listed below are a few of the different types of nursing jobs within this field.     1. Addiction Nurse Sometimes called substance abuse nurses, these nurses provide care for patients who are addicted to alcohol, prescription... Read More
  • NAIA Eligibility Center FAQs

    Student-athletes’ well-being is the focus of our University and the NAIA association in these hard times. Due to COVID-19, it is likely that you all have questions and concerns about the eligibility process this summer. To ease any confusion, here are some Eligibility Center FAQs that will provide all the information you need about COVID-19 updates, and how these affect the eligibility decision. Our main priority is making sure we... Read More
  • Adjusting to College Life in South Florida: 6 Tips for Incoming International Students

    Adjusting to life anywhere other than one’s own home can be quite the transition for any student. Florida National University (FNU) realizes that it can certainly be an overwhelming experience for international students coming into the United States to pursue a higher education degree. You not only have to adjust to the new environment, but also concentrate on academic studies. A student’s academic performance can have a direct relation to... Read More
  • What You Can Do With a Business Administration Degree

    Have you ever had a yearning to open a small business or had dreams of being a CEO? Maybe you’ve pictured yourself being in charge of a non-profit organization or a Fortune 500 company. If so, you may want to consider pursuing a Business Administration degree. Florida National University (FNU) offers several programs to help guide prospective students toward various careers. Obtaining a Business Administration Degree can open many doors... Read More