Visa application with passport Choosing the right program as an international student can feel intimidating. However, before an international student chooses an associate’s or bachelor’s degree to work toward, enrolling in an English as a Second Language (ESL) Certificate Program is a great first step.

Here are the reasons why Florida National University (FNU) suggests that international students enroll in the English as a Second Language Program:

  1. Learn More About the English Language

It has long been claimed that English is one of the hardest—if not the most difficult—languages to learn throughout the world. English is derived from several languages across the world, including Latin, Ancient Greek and German, with a large influence from the Anglo Saxons. Between idioms, homophones, subject and predicate, rule exceptions, conundrums, variances in spelling, and more, English can get a bit confusing for first time learners—and even well-seasoned native speakers!

However, this should not intimidate international students whose primary language is not English. Rather, this should motivate an individual to learn more, at a deeper level. Opting to study in an ESL program takes a lot of the guesswork out of learning English—and provides a solid foundation upon which students can build and apply their further endeavors of higher education.

  1. Lay the Foundation Upon Which One can Build Further Education

Students in an ESL program learn through immersion and skill building techniques. Students who opt for this path receive instruction and education at a deeper level before pursuing degrees that will require that they put these skills to the test. Studying in this type of program is the right step toward ensuring that students understand the language in greater depth before further pursuing a career or further education in the U.S.

The idea behind studying in this type of program is to help international students gain the capability to live and communicate as fully functioning adults in a foreign country. However, one must set the right expectations. Entering this program does not guarantee understanding of the language in depth as a native speaker—and it does not promise a career in the field! Students must understand that learning a language is a long-term process that is largely affected by how much effort one puts into it.

Think of it this way: how many American students learn a second language in middle school or high school? Typically, a lot. Now, how many of those students have the ability to function in that language by the time they reach university level courses? Learning through immersion is one of the best techniques to absorb and understand a language at a deeper level.

These courses offer further understanding and encouragement from language specialists who work in an attempt to help students attain a level they hope to reach.

Please note that all students are different. With various strengths and weaknesses, there is no exact expectation of when a student will be ready to move along. Those who are struggling particularly might want to spend extra time obtaining this certification.

It is not a race to the finish—knowing and understanding the fundamentals of the English language is the main goal, and there are no shortcuts on that road!

  1. Pick the Level to Meet Your Personal Understanding

One of the best features of FNU’s program is that students can choose to attain their certification by starting at the level that best suits his or her understanding of the English language. Students can pursue their studies in one of our three offered programs:

  • English as a Second Language: Basic
  • English as a Second Language: Intermediate
  • English as a Second Language: High Level Intermediate

All three levels are available for students looking to harness the ability to use English more clearly, actively, and successfully. These programs will grow communication ability, conversational ability, and basic functional skills in English. Immersion in the language will assist students in learning, which is why ESL programs on U.S. soil are often so effective.

Please note that most of these programs have certain prerequisites and requirements before applying.

Why Learn English?

Learning to communicate effectively in English opens hundreds of thousands of opportunities for students that would not otherwise be available. These opportunities come in the form of education possibilities, jobs, friendships, and places to live.

English is a portal to a large portion of the world. Students who do not come from one of the many English-speaking countries in the world can use these courses to grow and validate their skills.

Learning in a program like this one can open up career possibilities here in the United States and abroad, such as the UK, Australia, or even unexpected countries whose official language is English, including Africa’s most prominent country, Nigeria.

FNU: Striving to Help Students Succeed in all Avenues of Learning

FNU is dedicated to helping students learn at a higher education level. Professionals in the field teach our accredited programs, helping prepare students for their future.

Does this sound like a program you’d like to get involved in? If you’d like to study English as a Second Language before pursuing a degree, please apply today! Are you ready to move on to other courses? Review a list of our programs and see which best suits you and get started on your educational career.