• The Unexpected Ways Exercise Helps You in School

    There are two types of students in this world: those who exercise and those who do not. Although many students find themselves with too little time to participate in sports or to go to the gym after class, there are surprising benefits to exercise that might just make you want to get moving! Prioritizing What…

  • FNU’s Course Selection Strategies for Undeclared Students

    It returns: another semester and you have not yet determined your major. Don’t be embarrassed or frustrated—deciding what to study can determine your life’s path; that mean’s that it is a big decision! Still, entering college or even another semester as an undeclared student can prove to be far from reassuring for many students in…

  • College Prep for High School Athletes

    It is an exhilarating feeling: the excitement and humidity of a high school gym, filled with screaming fans. School spirit runs high as the scoreboard clock races through the last four seconds of the game. The senior team captain shoots the ball from the three-point line, boosting your team’s score over the rival’s by a…

  • Volunteering: The Best Alternative to Summer Internships

    While students, professionals and universities understand the value of an educational internship, it is not always a feasible option for students. Often, time constraints and the competitive nature of summer internships can make attaining one a difficult feat. The best alternative to a summer internship is to become a volunteer. Why Volunteer? Although volunteering does…

  • The Advantages of a Master’s in Health Services Administration

    Following recent reforms in national health care, individuals educated in Health Services Administration are currently in high demand. Professionals with modern knowledge and specialized education regarding health services are crucial to the smooth operation of healthcare facilities in the United States. What is Health Services Administration? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, health services…

  • How to Build a Brand Called “You”

    Scan the room in which you are sitting. Everywhere you look, your eyes are swimming in brand after brand. The computer you are reading this on, the shoes you are wearing, and the lunch you are waiting to eat are all associated with different brands. So, how can you make your brand stand out in…

  • Fear of Public Speaking & How to Overcome It

    As a college student, you will be faced with the task of public speaking. Whether it’s a pivotal feature of your major, or you’re taking a class that encompasses a number of presentations, public speaking is an essential skill for students and professionals, alike. Since it’s necessary to perfect, most people fear the mere thought of having to speak in front of an audience, regardless of size. Furthermore, its severity ranges from person to person, where some people may feel slightly nervous, others choke up mid-sentence. Thankfully, the fear of public speaking is something you can overcome as long as you are persistent and prepared for each opportunity.

  • How to be a Better Person

    Life is full of challenges, and each of us is faced with many of them as we go along. Yet when we are able to face challenges with calmness and composure, we can respond as our best selves. Indeed, every challenge – whether big or small – represents an opportunity to better ourselves. Here are a few words of wisdom on how to better oneself through conscious intention, ease and grace. Surround Yourself with Positivity There’s an old saying that goes “Whether you’re an optimist or a pessimist, you’re right.” Like many old adages, there’s a grain of truth therein. Our thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes shape reality. So when you believe in the worst-case scenario, when you see the glass half-empty rather than half-full, when you think that all is lost and there is no hope – you’re right. If, however, you make a solid commitment to being positive, focusing your thoughts and beliefs on the advantages, and concentrating on being grateful for all that you have, then you may be surprised at how quickly your reality reflects these positive thoughts. Surround yourself not just in your own positivity, but that of others too: minimize the time you spend around negative or draining people. They only serve to bring you down. Instead, seek out uplifting people and be one yourself.

  • Best Ways to Multitask Between Your Job and School

    While it is ideal to refrain from working as a full time student, it is not always a viable option. Many students need to work their way through college, particularly when completing a professional degree, in order to cover the costs of tuition, classes, books and more. Despite the fact that working is not usually recommended during the acquisition of a degree, there are a variety of ways in which one can overcome the shortcomings of multitasking.