People are often unaware of the specifics surrounding the job responsibilities of a medical coding specialist, but it’s a job that nevertheless remains extremely important in the healthcare industry. A medical coding specialist has the role of obtaining accurate reimbursements for healthcare claims. Typically, such a role involves working with specialized computer software in order to correctly assign diagnosis and procedure codes for billing and insurance transactions.
Medical coding is a specialized position that can oftentimes come with strong salary benefits. The nature of the role and the importance to the financial side of the medical profession puts this profession in high demand.
If you have little or zero experience in medical coding, then you can give your career the jump-start it needs by earning a Medical Coding Specialist diploma from Florida National University (FNU).
Here are a few career benefits that having a medical coding specialist diploma will bring you.

1. Distinguish yourself from Medical Coding Specialists without a diploma
With a college diploma from FNU, you will automatically distinguish yourself from career and employment applicants who do not have the education. Someone who has taken the time and effort to acquire a college diploma shows that he or she is competent and disciplined enough to endure high-level training and has the skillset to take on the role of a Medical Coding Specialist. It also shows that you’re willing to do the work to show that you are highly committed to being a quality employee.
2. Your diploma will serve you well throughout your career
A diploma will give you a competitive edge over your contemporaries once you have secured a position in the field of medical coding. This means you’ll be better placed when it comes to career advancement, leading to more demanding roles and higher remuneration within the realm of important administrative positions in the medical industry.
3. It’s the best way of obtaining the knowledge you need in order to be good at your job
Working your way through a Medical Coding Specialist diploma program will make sure that you receive a solid foundation in all the necessary coursework, including medical terminology, physiology, anatomy and pathophysiology. If you’re aiming to work within health data management and administration, then you will need to understand how you are expected to comply with medical law, plus the ethical standards (such as confidential data management).
4. Employers will be more confident in you when assessing your application
While employers take the final candidate selection process very seriously, choosing a small number of people to interview from a larger number of applications is a time-consuming, costly and laborious process. Many employers will take a simple approach to the initial vetting process, so you are much more likely to be called to interview if your application shows that you have a job-appropriate qualification. If you possess a college diploma, an employer will know you possess the potential to be an excellent employee who understands what is expected of them. This is something that cannot be assumed about potential employees that are not in possession of a diploma.

5. You have the chance of higher pay if you have a diploma
If you possess a diploma or any kind of certification, the chances are that you can look forward to obtaining higher rates of pay than your non-diploma holding contemporaries. Medical coders can typically expect salaries between $30,000 and $50,000 per year. According to figures released by the AAPC (American Academy of Professional Coders) Medical Coding Specialists with some form of certification earn on average 21% more than those without a certification. The possession of a certification is a genuine bargaining chip when it comes to obtaining higher rates of pay, especially when it is coupled with experience in the role.
6. Having a diploma will expand your range of employer options
By choosing to move into the medical coding arena and by obtaining a college diploma, you will have a much larger range of potential employers to apply to – hospitals, nursing homes, administrative support centers, clinics and laboratories all require medical coders. Many of these potential employees will require some form of certification as an entry-level qualification for a medical coding role. So if you have a diploma, you’ll be much more likely to secure the kind of job you are seeking.
7. You’ll be qualified for your new role more quickly
Most mid-to-high-level jobs now require some form of qualification, and you typically have to fund your education out of your own pocket. Many people simply do not have either the time or necessary funds to take up to four years out of their career to pursue a new line of work, or to spend their immediate post-school years with little in the way of earning opportunities.
The most wonderful thing about a Medical Coding Specialist degree is that it does not take years to complete, and you can have your college diploma and be ready to work much faster than with other professions.
8. You have an excellent chance of obtaining a rewarding career
Obtaining your Medical Coding Specialist diploma is the first step on what will very likely be a very exciting career. You’ll be pursuing a rewarding job and working with like-minded colleagues in a challenging and fast-paced field. You’ll be able to find other jobs a little easier because of how quickly the demand for jobs in healthcare profession is growing. If you choose to move to another city or state or searching for a new career role, you will always have your Medical Coding Specialist diploma to support how qualified you are for the role.
Florida National University. Your Source for Quality Education
For more information about Florida National University’s regionally accredited diploma and degree programs, reach out to our one of our academic advisors through our online contact form today. Ask about our financial aid programs that can help pay for your college education and about how you might be able to take some of our courses online.