US Air Force (USAF)/US Space Force (USSF)
Helping Your Career Take Flight
At Florida National University (FNU), we understand your role as an Airman (Active-Reserves-Guard) and Guardian, and how important education is in assisting you on the career path. Whether it’s achieving the next rank or transitioning into the corporate world, education is the key to opening new doors. FNU offers fixed-affordable pricing for both onsite and distance learning education helping you to maximize your tuition assistance (TA).
Tuition Assistance
The Air Force* currently pays 100 percent of tuition, up to $250 per semester hour ($4,500 annually), for off-duty courses.
All TA Funding Requests must be approved by supervisors, via the Air Force Virtual Education Center (AFVEC), and fall within the TA application window of 45 calendar days prior to, and no later than 7 calendar days before, the term start date. Any TA not “supervisor” approved by prescribed start dates will be auto deleted and a notification sent to the prospective student. Additionally, no more than 124 semester hours for a bachelor’s degree and 42 SH for a graduate degree will be funded.
Successful course completion is defined as a final grade of “C” or higher for undergraduate courses, and “B” or higher for graduate courses (“Pass” for “Pass/Fail”). Reimbursement is initiated when grades of “D” or “F” in undergraduate courses, and “C”,”D” or “F” in graduate courses are reported. **There is a mandatory requirement to maintain an overall GPA of 2.0 (“C” average) or above for undergraduate, and 3.0 (“B” average) for graduate level. For detailed information, visit the Air Force Tuition Assistance Program page
*All content within is applicable for both the Air Force and Space Forces.

Giancarlo Aponte
Military Affairs
(Ext. 1213)
(305) 821-3333

Kesia Garlobo
Financial Aid
(Ext. 1042)
(305) 821-3333

Yolanda Navarro
Academic Advising
(786) 364-9567

Seilyn Santos
Student Services
(Ext. 1113)
(305) 821-3333

Sanchia Williams
(Ext. 1132)
(305) 821-3333

Ariadne Lopez Sardinas
Career Services
(Ext. 1019)
(305) 821-3333
The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.
Tuition Assistance Overview
FNU Reduced Tuition Rates
Active Duty, Reserve, and National Guard Airmen are eligible to receive a rate of $250 per semester hour, applicable for Undergraduate and Graduate degree programs. Tuition rate is inclusive of tuition only. **A list of required books and other supplies for each course is available at
To request TA, visit this site:
Credit for Previous Education or Training
IAW DoDI 1322.25 and Title 38, CFR’s 21.4253(d)(3) and 21.4254(C)(4): in attempt to shorten training periods proportionately students must report all previous education and training. The University must evaluate and then grant credit, if appropriate.
Current members of the Air & Space Forces can request transcripts from the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF):
Special Program for Florida National Guard Airmen
Educational Dollars for Duty (EDD) program is available for eligible Florida National Guard Soldiers and Airmen and can provide public tuition for the period of the Guard member’s service. If you meet the eligibility requirements, EDD can be used for courses that lead toward a Technical Certificate, Associate, Baccalaureate or a Master’s Degree. For those attending accredited private institutions, EDD will provide funds at the average current state resident rate, and Guard members will be responsible for any difference between what EDD pays and the charged rate. For detailed information visit this site:
Additional Funding Options
Select Active and Air Guard members may be eligible to utilize optional funding such as these GI Bill® versions (Post 9/11 GI Bill (Ch33), Montgomery GI Bill-Active Duty (MGIB-AD/Ch30), Montgomery GI Bill-Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR/Chapter 1606), the Yellow Ribbon enhancement, the Tuition Assistance Top Up, or the $600.00 Buy-up.
Note: TA and VA benefits cannot be used conjunctionally on the same course.
For more information and eligibility visit this site: or call 1-888-442-4551.
For financial aid information please call Phone: (305) 821-3333 or email Alaina Baro at
For Military and Veteran Liaison Admissions Advisor contact: Yolanda Navarro, phone 786-364-9567, email, or call General Admission Distance Learning Division, phone 786-364-9555.
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at