High school students thinking about college are unsure where to begin. It can seem quite overwhelming, but with a plan in place, the process seems much simpler. Don’t let the thought of college applications overwhelm you all at once; instead, start planning during junior year of high school to make things easier and less complicated.

College Checklist for High School Students
During junior year of high school, you should compile a comprehensive list of potential schools you are considering. Take the time to visit the campuses to gather information and see what they have to offer you. Begin searching for scholarships from private and federal sources as well as from the specific school you plan to attend. Since many require an essay, it is best to begin them as soon as possible to make sure you don’t miss any potential financial awards. Ask for recommendations from your teachers for submission with your college applications.

How to Prepare High School Students for College in Their Senior Year
Throughout senior year, you will want to make sure the school office is following through with all of the necessary paperwork for your college applications. After all of your applications are mailed, make sure your family begins gathering their tax forms, W-2’s, bank statements and your driver’s license. Fill out your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) early to allow adequate time for processing. As you begin receiving your acceptance letters, take the time to browse through your options and start narrowing down the field to your final choice. Be in contact with the financial aid office of your choice college to ensure everything is in place before you begin classes. College is a wonderful and exciting time, so prepare to learn an array of information on a completely new level.