Nursing (ASN)

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The purpose of the Associate of Science in Nursing program at Florida National University is to provide quality nursing education to a culturally, socially, and ethnically diverse community. The program achieves this mission by preparing the graduates for employment at entry-level registered nursing positions. The program further achieves this mission by ensuring mastery of affective, cognitive, and psychomotor skills so that its graduates can become successful licensed registered nurses who are able to provide holistic, safe, culturally sensitive care to a wide variety of clients throughout the lifespan. FNU awards an Associate of Science Degree upon graduation.

Program type


Credit Hours

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Nursing students are required to wear their nursing scrubs/uniforms and appropriate shoes at all times.
Students must furnish their own uniforms. Uniform tops with FNU logo can only be purchased through FNU’s partner.

Admission Requirements

A.S. Nursing Program Admission And Academic Requirements

A prospective student must meet all admission requirements established by Florida National University. In addition, the requirements for admission to the ASN Program are as follows:

  1. Students must pass the designated entrance exam with a 70% combined score. FNU utilizes the TEAS, which consists of four components: a) Reading, b) Mathematics, c) Science, and d) English Language usage. There are 170 questions, and students are provided 209 minutes to complete the exam. The exam is proctored and must be in person at the Hialeah or South Campus locations.
  2. Student’s passing TEAS Scores are valid for one year from the test date.
  3. Students who are unsuccessful on their first attempt may retake the exam after 30 days. Students are granted two attempts, maximum. No student is permitted a third attempt at passing the TEAS.
  4. Students will register for the TEAS for an additional fee on the ATI TEAS Website. On the day of their exam, present your paid receipt at the FNU Hialeah Campus or South Campus testing center.
  5. It is recommended that students consider a TEAS Prep Course if they feel that they are not prepared to pass the exam successfully. Most TEAS Prep courses require about six weeks of preparation before the TEAS.
  6. Provide two letters of reference (references may only come from academic and professional sources).
  7. Complete an essay—at Least 500 words about why you are choosing to pursue a Nursing career. The essay should focus on your strengths and weaknesses, personal attributes, and life experiences that you feel will help you succeed in nursing school. The essay must be the original work of the prospective student. Turnitin or SafeAssign plagiarism and AI checker will be used on each essay. The essay will be graded on a standardized rubric.
  8. Complete an Entrance Interview with the Director of Nursing or designee.
  9. Meet the following academic requirements:
    a. Complete all required General Education courses with a cumulative GPA of 3.0.
    b. If you are transferring General Education courses from another accredited institution, ALL Natural Science courses MUST have a letter grade of at least B (BSC1085C, BSC1086C, CHM1033, CHM1033L, and MCB2000C).
  10. All applicants admitted into the ASN program may be required to complete a physical examination and provide a complete immunization record. In addition, a complete local, level 2 federal, and AHCA background screening will be required in conjunction with clinical facility-required drug testing. Positive results on background screening or drug testing could impact a student’s chances of attending their clinical experiences, completing the program requirements, or gaining a license to work upon graduation. The cost of required physical examinations, immunizations, background checks, and drug testing will be borne by the student. Students accepted into the program will be provided with specific details regarding all required documentation for the ASN Program.
  11. There is a selective enrollment process for students enrolling in the A.S. Nursing program at the Hialeah campus. There will only be 24 available seats in each program core cohort. All other students will be placed on a waiting list. A specific selection criterion is available for review upon request from the ASN Director of Nursing.

Scholastic Standards of the Associate of Science in Nursing Program

  1. The ADN program is an intensive, full-time program requiring approximately 1,462.50 clock hours per year. Classes, including lectures and labs, may be held any day from Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 11:00 PM. Clinical hours may be scheduled any time during the week or weekend from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM. In addition, the students will need to dedicate at least 2 – 3 hours per class hour to studying the learned material.
  2. Students are required to meet the following standards in every course:
    1. Successfully meet all course student learning outcomes.
    2. Complete all program core courses with at least a C (80%) or better.
    3. Complete all clinical skills and evaluations satisfactorily.
    4. Complete all required clinical and theory hours.
    5. Meet all attendance standards of the program.
    6. Students who repeat more than one course or do not meet the required attendance hours in both clinical and lecture will be expelled from the program.
    7. Students will be eligible to receive only one “incomplete” in the nursing courses throughout the program. Students who receive more than one incomplete grade on more than one course at a time or throughout the program will be expelled from the program.
    8. Students must pass the exit comprehensive exam to graduate.
    9. Students must successfully meet the Program Learning Outcomes to graduate.

End-of-Program Student Learning Outcomes (ADN)

  1. Provide safe, quality, holistic, patient-centered care for culturally diverse patient populations, including the family unit (Patient Centered Care).
  2. Participates within interdisciplinary teams where collaborative decision –making promotes critical thinking and continuous improvement in quality patient care (Teamwork and Collaboration).
  3. Utilize current technology to effectively manage and deliver safe, quality care within various healthcare settings (Informatics).
  4. Implement the applicable standards of care to prioritize patient needs and minimize risk of harm to patients and healthcare providers. (Safety)
  5. Integrate best current evidence-based research with nursing process to deliver optimal healthcare. (Evidenced-Based)
  6. Discuss the nursing code of ethics and standards recognized as essential to the art and science of nursing. (Quality Improvement)

Student Achievement Data

  • 2021 NCLEX Pass Rate 91.67%
  • 2022 NCLEX Pass Rate 87.5%
  • 2023 NCLEX Pass Rate 78.57%
  • 2024 NCLEX Pass Rate 72.73%

  • 2024 Program Completion Rate 41%


The associate in science nursing program at Florida National university, at the Training Center, located in Hialeah, Florida is accredited by the:

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326. (404) 975-5000

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the associate in science nursing program is Initial Accreditation.

View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program at


The program utilizes full-time core and adjunct faculty active in the field to bring real-world perspectives to the students. All faculty hold a minimum of a master’s degree and have clinical experience in the content areas they teach.