International Students
Admission Of International Students
Florida National University is authorized under United States Federal Law, Immigration and Naturalization Act, Sections (101) (a) (15) (F) (I), and (101) (a) (15) (M) (I) to enroll non-immigrant alien students.
Registration of students on an I-20 Visa must be for at least a period of four (4) months the equal of one semester or 12 credits; this applies equally to the bachelor degree, associate of science and associate of arts degree programs, the career education diploma program, or the certificate program.
In order to process an I-20 Visa the applicants are required to fulfill the following admissions procedures:
- Application for admission, including all admissions credentials, must be received at least 30 days prior to the semester in which the applicant plans to enroll.
- High school academic transcript(s) must be official.
- Transcript(s) in languages other than English must include an official certified English translation.
- Foreign schools attended must have proper accreditation by the Ministry of Education of their country or a USA accrediting commission.
- Documented evidence of means of financial support must be provided to FNU for admission purposes and for issuance of the Certificate of Eligibility (I-20-M-N) form. This evidence is also required by the American Embassy or Consulate when applying for a student visa to enter the United States.
- International students must have funds available for paying fees when they register for their classes each semester. Financial aid in the form of grants or loans from federal or state sources is not available to international students.
- Students must arrive in the USA a week prior to the start date.
Note: International Students applying for admission without a copy of their high school diploma or certificate of completion, but they have transcripts from a foreign university, can be admitted as long as the foreign documentation provided is original and valid. Students that are exiles from Cuba or any other country under political repression, in most instances are not allowed to obtain copies of their educational credentials as the government prohibits such a practice of releasing records much less sending them to another country. If students come with documentation from a foreign university, the above guidelines apply to them since that indicates that they have had to complete high school prior to entering their programs of study.
In the case that a student cannot provide a high school diploma, and he/she states that it was completed in his/her country, we recommend that an equivalency test be taken.
Financial Requirements Of an I-20 Visa
All international students must have sufficient personal resources to pay full FNU registration and tuition fees, textbooks, living expenses, transportation expenses, and other incidental expenses while attending college in the United States. Documented evidence of means of financial support must be provided to Florida National University for admission purposes and issuance of the Certificate of Eligibility (I-20-M-N) form. This evidence is also required by the American Embassy or Consulate when applying for a student visa to enter the United States.
Non–Florida residents, upon their registration at FNU, will be required to submit the non-refundable registration fee of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00).
Satisfactory Progress Requirement for I-20 Students
All FNU students must be able to maintain a level of satisfactory progress (an average of “C” or 2.0) throughout their time at the institution. Florida National University is required by law to report to immigration students who:
- Do not report to FNU at the scheduled time.
- Do not attend classes to the minimum extent required.
- Terminate their attendance at FNU.