Earning a college degree requires hard work and determination. It’s an accomplishment that should be celebrated. Every graduate should be overjoyed to achieve such a milestone because it’s not easy. When graduation day finally rolls around for college students, the feeling can be exhilarating, yet terrifying at the same time.
You’ve done the work it takes to earn a college degree, and now it’s time to move on and find the career that is right for you. FNU is dedicated to helping our students succeed in and out of the classroom. This is why we’re providing a list of resources that can aid new graduates in finding the professional career of their dreams.

Finding a Career
Studying as a college student is indeed a career. It’s demanding, requires a lot of your time, and is riddled with pressing deadlines.
After graduation, it’s time to decide on the next chapter, if you haven’t figured it out already. While the college degree you’ve earned is certainly a good start, you will need to begin applying everything you’ve learned. That means searching for a job within your field of study.
This task can be quite intimidating because, when it comes to job-hunting, there are no guarantees. Getting a college degree simply places you on an even playing field with other professionals in the industry. With a college degree, you’ll be able to apply for higher-paying jobs that other professionals have spent years working in.
Getting the Right Education Counts
Florida National University’s (FNU) academic curriculum prepares all of our students to enter the job market. We award associates, bachelors, and master’s degrees that are designed to teach students the fundamentals of each subject along with hands-on training, and in some cases, clinical hours. Many of our graduates have gone on to find rewarding careers. Some have become professors, and others have found their dream job back in their home state. We even have graduates who have become published authors.
All of these students will tell you that the journey towards pursuing a rewarding career isn’t easy. Some of them had to work a few different jobs after graduation before finding the right career.
Here is a list of job-seeking platforms:
- Monster.com – This job-seeking platform is said to have more traffic than all of the other employment websites in the United States. This can be a good and bad thing. On one hand, you can be sure that employers are looking for resumes on this platform. On the other hand, they may not ever see your resume due to the high volume of applications.
- Indeed.com– Indeed.com provides a more simplistic platform for job seekers. Job seekers don’t have to go through the trouble of registering an account. Some of the job postings offer an “Easily apply” option where you can upload your resume and enter your name and email address. Including the phone number and cover letter is optional.
- LinkedIn – LinkedIn works as a professional social networking platform for companies, executives, job seekers, and entrepreneurs. A user’s LinkedIn profile is designed like a structured online resume that’s also presentable in a web-based format. LinkedIn profiles are set up where you can list your skills, experience, and employment history. You’ll be able to provide links to any work that’s published on the Internet too. LinkedIn stands out above other social media sites because it requires you to have some type of networking relationship with others before linking your profile to theirs.
- Specialized Job Sites – Some industries have a specialized employment platform. For instance, traveling nurses have plenty of websites for Registered Nurses to apply to. Other professions may have associations that you can be a part of. Within those chapters is usually a listing of industry-related job postings.
- Check Your University – Universities hire too. Whether you’re interested in becoming part of the faculty or administration team, check your university’s website for any possible job openings that may apply to your new area of expertise.
Other Resources
New graduates can look into other social media sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter may help you gain valuable information about possible job openings too. You just need to keep your eyes open and look for any opportunities that may arise.
Florida National University is here to help you find the career of your dreams, whether it’s here in South Florida or across the country. We’ll provide you with the tools to help you become the successful professional you’ve set out to be. If you have any questions about how Florida National University can help your academic career, contact us today to learn about our regionally accredited curriculum as well as any financial aid opportunities.