We live in a world where social media is the center of attention. Small businesses grow their presence through Facebook, entrepreneurs grow their fan base through Instagram and TikTok, and employers search for the best candidates through LinkedIn and Twitter. And these are just a few of the uses. Therefore, you want to make sure your online presence is professional. So, whether that means deleting all the old photos from college parties or creating a new profile entirely, you should start utilizing social media for professional networking now.
Digital Ghost
You have heard it before: what you put online can potentially be there forever. This reminds us that the way in which we represent ourselves in the online world is important to our potential careers and goals. Even when photos, status updates and links are deleted from the internet, they are often connected elsewhere online and may resurface anytime.

Your Resume is Enhanced by Your Online Presence
Your resume no longer solely speaks for your professionalism, education and experience. Enhancing your online persona will heighten your chances of landing your dream job. As you already know, the internet is a part of our everyday lives. Companies don’t just want to know what you look like on paper. They want to know what you look like in your everyday life. Hiring managers want to see personality, responsibility, leadership and good decision-making skills when they find your social pages.
Paint a Pretty Self Portrait
We live in a world in which first impressions are crucial. Our image can make or break us. Always maintain a professional appearance to maintain a positive and professional reputation at work. This includes personal websites, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t let hiring managers make assumptions about you based on those photos you were tagged in years ago. Instead, control how you (re)brand yourself through social media.
Get Involved with LinkedIn Immediately
LinkedIn is one of the top professional social media resources used by companies, managers, students, and professionals. Regardless of your current employment status, crafting an impressive LinkedIn profile is a key component to future success. Perfecting your LinkedIn profile takes more than posting an attractive resume. Users should also fill out the summary and interests sections. You have a chance to show your creativity and personality, so use this to your advantage.
Your Connections are More Than a Number
Do not think of your connections as simply networking opportunities. You can learn from your connections. With LinkedIn, you can study what your connections are researching, see what others are writing about and understand what the competition has to offer. If you are lucky enough to make a connection with someone who is willing to give you advice or serve as a mentor, then you will have an edge over others with your same credentials.
Twitter is a great way to show and display your expertise. Flex Jobs states that you can expand your network and make sure people know about your expertise when you post updates and use others’ Twitter handles. You may also want to network with other job seekers through weekly conversations like #jobhuntchat or #careerchat.” Don’t miss out on using Twitter as a potential networking avenue!
Don’t be embarrassed to admit you are on the job hunt. Flex Job states, “Since most people prefer to consider Facebook a “personal” network, it’s a challenge to make the most of the fact that many people use it to find professional candidates. The solution is to make public status updates.” While your friends and family might not immediately know of any openings, they will likely think of you if a position opens. This enables your Facebook connections to help you network. Opportunities may arise where you least expect. It is also helpful to post articles, concepts, or ideas related to your areas of expertise or interests.
Privacy is Underrated
Manage your online image by picking and choosing which statuses and photos are made public. While your friends and family might be interested in seeing your beach photos, a potential employer may not care to sort through these updates as they learn about you.
Introvert Opportunities
Social media is a great avenue for introverts to build professional contacts. While meeting professionals at a job fair might sound overwhelming, contacting professionals and potential employers via the web can be less stressful. Communicating through your screen gives you time to craft and perfect résumés, emails, and responses.
Social networking takes time and effort, and today’s up and coming professionals should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of maintaining their pages. Properly maintaining an online image is crucial to success in today’s job market.
For More Help
If you need help finding the perfect career, Florida National University students and graduates should visit the Job Placement Center for more help and information. Not yet an FNU student? Apply today! Not only will you be on your way toward a rewarding career, you will have access to our career services, along with other services that are available to our students and alumni.