• Career Paths in Medical Imaging

    Five Career Paths in Medical Imaging Radiologic and Sonographic technology constantly evolves requiring dedicated professionals who are willing to grow with it. Ready for a career that is rewarding both personally and financially? Seize the opportunity with a radiologic technology or diagnostic sonographer degree. Understanding imaging technology is the gateway knowledge you need to unlock…

  • Top Radiologic Technology Program in Florida

    Choosing the Florida Radiologic Technology Program That’s Right for You The healthcare industry is known to be heavily regulated across the United States, but even more so in Florida. Despite being a state with considerable demand for medical services, strict oversight has prevented the expansion of healthcare facilities, particularly hospitals and specialized centers that are…

  • Everything You Need to Know about Becoming a Radiologic Technologist

    There are plenty of aspiring college students who want to work in the healthcare industry, but might not want to spend as much time in college to get the degree and credentials. Florida National University (FNU) offers a wide array of regionally accredited degree programs in the healthcare sector that does not necessarily require a…