• The Act of Thankful Giving

    “Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action.” ~W.J. Cameron There is an underground movement brewing in Florida National University. It’s very subtle. Students gathering, asking, “What can I do to make a difference?” Community service is not a graduation requirement here. With a student body primarily made up of non-traditional students, it was always…

  • Room to Grow

    I’m a big believer in personal empowerment. I feel we humans have limitless potential, although we don’t always see it in ourselves, or each other. Believing is often the first hurdle. Empowerment usually requires two believers, yourself and someone who believes in you. That is where a good mentor comes in. I’ve had some wonderful…

  • Support through Student Organizations

    Although Florida National University has traditionally served as an urban commuter college since its inception, we recognize the importance of providing our students with more than just a bare bones academic experience. According to our mission statement, FNU “strives to prepare the students for employment in their chosen career or advanced studies through the acquisition…

  • Apoyo a través de Organizaciones Estudiantiles

    Aunque Florida National University ha servido tradicionalmente y desde sus comienzos como una escuela urbana de Pre-Grado, nosotros reconocemos la importancia de proporcionar a nuestros estudiantes con algo más que la simple experiencia académica. Según nuestra declaración de objetivos, FNU “se esfuerza por preparar a los estudiantes, a través de la adquisición de las habilidades…