Are you ready to attend university but not sure how you are going to afford it? While there are many options that can help you pay for tuition, scholarships are ones that you will not have to pay back. There are some requirements that you must meet to apply for and receive a scholarship.
Florida National University (FNU) also offers school-specific scholarships for which you may be eligible.

How Do I Apply for a College Scholarship?

When you apply for a college scholarship, there are many steps you must complete. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you successfully apply:

Step #1: Research Scholarship Opportunities

There are a couple of different types of scholarships. The overall categories of scholarships include:

Merit-Based Scholarships: Some scholarships are awarded based on academic, athletic, or artistic achievements.

Need-Based Scholarships: Other scholarships support those with financial need.

Specialty Scholarships: Some scholarships support specific groups (e.g., women in STEM, minorities, veterans, first-generation students).

Search Online: It is important to use scholarship search engines like Fastweb,, or Chegg Scholarships.

Local Opportunities: Try exploring scholarships from local businesses, community organizations, or your high school.

Step #2: Review Eligibility Criteria

Make sure you meet the basic requirements, such as:

● GPA or standardized test score minimums.
● Intended field of study or career goals.
● Residency, age, or demographic criteria.

Keep track of specific application deadlines and requirements.

Step #3: Gather Required Documents

Common scholarship support documents include:

● Transcripts: Official or unofficial academic records.
● Standardized Test Scores: If required (SAT, ACT, etc.).
● Resume or CV: Highlighting achievements, extracurricular activities, and work experience.
● Personal Essay: A written statement about your goals, experiences, and why you are deserving of the scholarship.
● Letters of Recommendation: From teachers, mentors, or employers.
● Financial Information: For need-based scholarships (e.g., FAFSA or household income details).

Step #4: Tailor Your Application

Do not send the same application to each scholarship opportunity. You will want to really let them know why you are the perfect person for the scholarship. Make sure to customize each application to align with the scholarship’s goals or theme. Also, highlight your experiences and achievements that match the scholarship criteria.

Step #5: Write a Strong Personal Essay

When you write your personal essay, be authentic and tell your unique story. Focus on your achievements, challenges overcome, and future aspirations. Most importantly, proofread the essay thoroughly and get feedback from trusted advisors or mentors.

Step #6: Submit Applications on Time

Always pay close attention to deadlines and submit all required materials before the cutoff date. Do not forget to double-check that your application is complete, including any attachments or supporting documents.

Step #7: Apply for Multiple Scholarships

While you are only able to apply for one school-specific scholarship at FNU, you can apply for non-school-related scholarships as well. This will help increase your chances of getting financial assistance to pay for tuition by applying for a variety of scholarships at different levels (local, national, and institutional).

What Makes Me Eligible for a Scholarship?

Scholarship eligibility depends on the specific requirements and goals of the scholarship program. Common factors that make you eligible include:

Academic Excellence

Eligibility for an academic excellence scholarship is typically based on outstanding academic achievements and your ability to demonstrate a commitment to academic growth and success. Specific requirements may vary, but here are common factors that can make you eligible:

High Academic Performance – When applying for an academic excellence scholarship it is important to show how you have maintained an excellent grade point average, often 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale or its equivalent. Some other factors the scholarship committee will look at include your rank within your graduating class (e.g., top 5% or 10%), as well as strong scores on exams like the SAT and ACT.

Rigorous Course Load – Scholarship committees look for students who have enrolled in challenging courses such as advanced placement (AP) classes, honors programs, and dual enrollment or college-level coursework while attending high school.

Academic Awards and Recognition – Make sure to list the academic awards that show your commitment to your education:

● Dean’s List or Honor Roll placements.
● National or regional academic awards (e.g., National Merit Scholar, Science Olympiad, Mathlete competitions).
● Recognition by professional organizations or institutions.

Leadership in Academics – You can include leadership roles in academic clubs or societies, such as president of a science club, math club, or debate team. You can also highlight your active participation in student government or honor societies like the National Honor Society.

Field-Specific Achievements – When you apply for an academic scholarship, it is important to note excellence in a specific subject area (e.g., top grades or awards in mathematics, science, literature, etc.), as well as participation in relevant competitions (e.g., spelling bees, coding contests, science fairs).

Financial Need

Another criterion that some scholarships focus on is financial need. For this type of scholarship, you will want to demonstrate financial need through documentation. This can include household income below a certain threshold or prioritization for students from underprivileged backgrounds. Many financial need scholarships will have you write a personal essay demonstrating your financial need and how you plan on using your college education after graduation.

Extracurricular Activities

Some scholarships focus on extracurriculars like participation in sports, arts, or other clubs and organizations. This can include leadership roles in school or community, volunteering, and community service.

Specific Talents or Skills

You will be surprised to know that some associations offer scholarships for exceptional abilities in areas such as music, athletics, science, or art. It can help you get recognized through achievements like awards, competitions, or certifications. Did you know that you can get scholarship awards for sports like bowling and chess? Tournaments in sports allow you to win prize money in the form of scholarships to help pay for college.

Field of Study

Many scholarships support students pursuing education in areas where there is a shortage of professionals, such as healthcare, education, or technology. Some scholarships are targeted for certain majors or career paths.

Does FNU Offer Scholarships?

Merit-Based Scholarships

Students must maintain a 3.0 (B) GPA* or higher to retain any merit-based scholarship and must complete the program within the maximum time allowed as per the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy.
*With the exception of the academic scholarship.

Academic Scholarship
Dr. Maria Cristina Regueiro Scholarship
Diaz-Balart Scholarship
José Regueiro Scholarship
Miami-Dade Public High School Graduate Scholarship

Non-Merit Based Scholarships

Students must meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements to maintain non-merit-based scholarships.

Athletics Scholarship
Bahamian Scholarship
Berta Redondo Healthcare Professional Scholarship
Community Scholarship
FNU Alumni Scholarship
FNU Alumni Family Scholarship
Future U.S. Resident Scholarship
Government Employee Scholarship
Graduate International Scholarship
International ESL Alumni Scholarship
Little Angels Scholarship
The First Responders Scholarship
Undergraduate International Scholarship

FNU Employee Tuition Waiver

Eligible Florida National University full-time employees who have completed six (6) months of employment at Florida National University may enroll themselves, their spouses, and/or children in Florida National University and receive a Florida National University Employee Tuition Waiver.

How Do I Apply for Financial Aid?

Applying for financial aid typically involves submitting documentation to demonstrate your financial need and eligibility for various types of assistance, such as scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study programs. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

Step #1: Gather Required Documents

When applying for financial aid, you will typically need:
● Tax returns for you and/or your parents (e.g., IRS Form 1040 in the U.S.).
● W-2 forms or proof of income.
● Bank statements and investment records.
● Social Security Number (if applicable).
● Other financial records, such as mortgage or business income details.

Step #2: Fill Out the FAFSA

Visit to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Your FNU financial aid counselor will remind you of important deadlines for applying for financial aid each year. Make sure to submit the application as early as possible. Most aid is distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Plus, always double-check for errors to avoid delays.

Step #3: Review Your Student Aid Report (SAR)

After submitting your FAFSA, you will receive a Student Aid Report summarizing your financial details and Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Make sure to review the report for accuracy and make corrections if needed.

Step #4: Respond to Financial Aid Offers

Once you are admitted to FNU, you will receive financial aid award letters detailing your eligibility for grants, loans, and work-study.

Step #5: Accept Aid and Meet Deadlines

You will need to accept the aid you want to use (grants and scholarships first, then loans). You may need to complete any additional requirements, such as:

● Entrance counseling for loans.
● Signing a Master Promissory Note (MPN) for federal loans.

Eager to Learn More?

Florida National University offers students a variety of scholarship opportunities. Students must review the scholarships carefully to determine which one to apply for. The academic and admissions advisors will happily assist the students in reviewing their best options. Students may only apply for one (1) scholarship per year. Please see the Scholarships section of the university catalog for details and application requirements.

Contact us today to learn more about our scholarships.